Gust is a web-based application we use to collect company applications, share due diligence research, communicate as a group and maintain our event calendar.
This is a short tutorial video on how to best use Gust, with the main points highlighted below.
Deal List: Here you will find a list of all companies that have applied to HBSAANY for funding. Active companies are those we are currently considering to pitch, Inactive companies have already been declined, and Complete companies are those that have received investments. Within the active folder are a few subfolders:
Clicking on any of the companies on the Deal List will bring you to their profile.
Pitch Candidate: on the shortlist for upcoming pitch nights
Pitch Presenter: confirmed for a future pitch night
Active Diligence: currently being researched by members of our group
Company Profile Page: Each profile page is made up of two parts: at the top, the company’s application content, and below, the member discussion section. The application portion of the page contains things submitted by the entrepreneur, such as their executive summary, team, pitch deck, and other relevant documents. The member discussion section contains a few tools key to our operation as a group: deal subscription and member discussion.Subscribing to a deal enables Gust to send you all communications happening on that page via Deal Discussions. We use Deal Discussions to notify subscribed members of upcoming due diligence meetings, investment deadlines, and other deal-related matters. Not subscribing may cause you to miss important messages about that deal. To subscribe to a deal, click the Set Interest button the company’s profile page and update your status to ‘Observing’ or higher.
Communicating with members: using Gust for group or subgroup communications preserve the messages in a format referable by other members. This helps members get caught up on a deal or with the group after some period of inactivity.There are three types of Gust communications:
Deal Discussions exist only on the relevant company’s page. They are sent to all those subscribed to that deal. These are best used during that company’s due diligence process.
Announcements are sent to the entire group and replies are sent only to you.
Discussions are also sent to the entire group, but all replies are displayed in-line
When communicating with the group on a deal, we ask that you please use Deal Discussions instead of emails. This helps other track the progress of the deal and get caught up if need be.
Events: Gust also has an event calendar tool that we use to share invitations extended to our group. These calendar invites sync with your calendar apps only if the email you use for Gust is also synced to that calendar. Also, please note that if an event is updated on Gust, it is not necessarily updated in your calendar app. Please check details on Gust before leaving for an event. It will always have the most up to date information.